To have your own pair of beautiful painted canvas shoes for $45 a pair contact me at

Monday, September 22, 2014

Not My Grandma's Shoes

I did some experimenting and discovered that I can layer pictures on top of the canvas shoes. If you look closely you can see words under the paint. and the camera on the left shoe were pictures I printed out.
Finished! These ones were very fun to do!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Forest Art

I did these ones for my dear mother. She told me that she wanted forest shoes, and that was it.
It was very fun to be able to just play with these shoes. It took me a long time because I had to come up with what I wanted for these shoes.

I took these scenes from our family's favorite camping spot.
Finished and ready to wear!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Finding Nemo

A fresh start.

 These are the sides of the shoes. The EAC and "just keep swimming" are on the inside of the shoes and the seagulls on the outsides.
The finished product. They turned out so well. Better than I thought they would.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Missionary Mom Shoes #2

 When I looked for the shoe size required I couldn't find plain white ones. I bought these stripped ones instead.
 I wasn't quite sure how well the paint would cover the stripes.
 It took me several coats of paint to cover the stripes but I did it!
 I was pretty excited to have the opportunity to do another pair of missionary mom shoes. These were very fun.
You can't even tell that they use to have stripes! And now they are ready to send off :)